Wednesday, January 07, 2004

so i dig the foot-long turkey breast on wheat.

it's not something you can get in the hood, at least it hadn't been. i guess this is more redux from my trip to dallas last week and the week before, because one of the things that i noticed was that there were about a dozen new subways in and around the neighborhood i grew up in. i found it odd, mostly because as far as choices in convenient cuisine, the hood is resigned to burger king, mcdonald's, jack in the box, church's chicken, and every once in a while KFC and wendy's. i was conflicted, i think i felt the way that white people do whenever the darkies or wetbacks show up in their neighborhoods, but i dig subway, (not half as much as quizno's, but that's another entry for another day) so i was pretty stoked to see them proliferate in that area.

so anyways, i was with my mom, and having flown and left my car in the parking lot at the long beach airport, i was sort of at other peoples' mercy as far as coming and going went. it was about lunchtime and i was a bit hungry. i've been on this no fast food kick lately, and doing pretty good on it, since early august i can count on one hand the number of times i've been to a fast food joint, but knowing the options around where we were knew that if i wasn't eating at jack in the box or someplace like that, i wasn't eating at all.

i needed cash, so i had to go to the bank first, the atm anyway, and my bank had one that wasn't too far, and right in the same shopping center there it was, a subway in the middle of the hood, so naturally, i figured i'd be better off going there than to jack in the box. so i go to subway order my thing, the foot-long turkey breast on wheat and i'm not sure i can adequately describe the disappointment i had. it was horribly made, and tasted like detergent.

i'm holding jared responsible, any excuse to kick that guy's ass is welcome.

feeling: disconnected
thinking of: ashley
music: "dead american" lars fredriksen and the bastards