Friday, July 16, 2004

first of two sort of

i'm borrowing from bone today, pretty liberally in fact, because i'm just gonna make a list. it's similar to ones that he's done, though i'm not certain he's done exactly this one.

anyways, this here is a list of stuff, in no particular order, that i miss.

driving that stretch of FM 1382 that runs through cedar hill between I-20 and highway 67.

sno-cones from that place down on clarendon in the middle of the hood.

october mornings in texas.

walks with katie that ended with us on the swings next door to fischer.

summers spent listening to the rangers on the radio while i was running around at night in the car.

deep ellum every once in a while.

decompressing at bakers' square.

road trips. . . good gravy, road trips.

pancho's and cici's with bone.

monday nights at my grandparents' house.

fall in wheaton, illinois. more specifically, the feeling i'd get driving down briarcliffe in between president street and butterfield road mid-morning during october or november.

going down to south padre island for summer camp, the overnight drive.

nights in brad's garage with dunx and brad and whoever else happened to show up.

my bench outside of MSC.

talking about theology with adam.

yelling at the tv with wes.

the pursuer room.

getting my hand raised at the end of a match.

monday, wednesday and friday breakfast in the cafeteria, sometimes with hassler, sometimes not.

slurpees with lisa, and sometimes nate.

the st. mark's invitational.

office conversations with CE and sociology faculty.

sitting at a table at summer camp in maypearl selling t-shirts.

sitting with laura in church.

feeling: a bit empty
thinking of: stuff i miss, didn't you see the list?
music: "the road to ensenada" lyle lovett