Tuesday, August 05, 2003

happy tuesday.

it is tuesday, isn't it? i kinda feel like it should be thursday since i was at work til like nine last night, and the only day that usually happens is wednesday. i have thursdays off, so i get a pretty good chance to recover after a 12 hour day. this week, however, will be full of days like that because of VBS. hopefully i can get away for a few hours in the afternoon, so not every day is so long, if i don't i'll be dead by this time next week, and who really wants that?

i think i settled on a flight for my vacation in october. i'm sort of torn, because if i fly out of LA as opposed to long beach it'll be cheaper, but the convenience that long beach offers is almost worth the extra money. the airport in LA is 45 mins-an hour from here, and the one in long beach is like ten mins from here, and realistically, the savings of flying out of LA would be negated by the cost of a shuttle or taxi to the airport. so i guess that makes my decision for me. i talked to katie last nite tho and pretty much everything seems to be a go. the only thing i'm waiting on is to figure out if she gets columbus day off or not.

ashley IMed me yesterday while i was at work and said she read here, that was really sweet of her. she's definitely on the list of people i don't talk to enough. so today i think i gotta head to the post office today too, sending a package out. i figure i better send it too, because i got called a ho-bag for not sending it.

i'm not sure i want to be a ho-bag.

feeling: pretty good
thinking of: what fabulous guys me and bone are
music: "the moshing floor" steve taylor