Friday, November 21, 2003

MIKE isworking: have you found anyone worth pursuing yet?
ricv56: no
MIKE isworking: I'm sorry
ricv56: there's no need to be sorry really
MIKE isworking: ok if you say so
ricv56: well it's not the sort of thing that's really worth spending much time or energy being sorry about
MIKE isworking: good point
MIKE isworking: but I wasn't really going to feel bad for you about that it was just something to say...because what else is there to say?
ricv56: i getcha
ricv56: it just sounds so weird
ricv56: "so have you found anyone worth pursuing"
ricv56: "no"
ricv56: "dude, i'm sorry"
ricv56: it's like someone died
ricv56: funny shite
MIKE isworking: lol now I follow you that does...sound quite goofy
ricv56: now i'm gonna wear black all day
ricv56: weirdo
MIKE isworking: lol

funny question, "have you found anyone worth pursuing yet?" the question was asked a little less than a month ago (many thanks to DeadAIM for the archive). in any case, the answer to that question may or may not have changed, and i'm not sure really what difference that makes, but i don't really have much else to write about right this second. pursue, i don't think, is really an adequate word anyway, not for me, i've never really thought of myself as a pursuer, at least as far as stuff like this goes.

in fact, i don't think i really like pursuing, part of the trouble of being here, in the social environment that i'm in, is that i don't see girls that interest me consistently, that's to say i see them once, and unless i remember to hit on them or ask for a number i don't see them again, which i guess is unfortunate, because that's never really been someting i've done, i've always had the luxury of being at school or something, seeing a girl and being able to talk to her a few times before i'd figure out if i was interested. that seems to be the best way to avoid embarrasment anyways.

it would have at least prevented me from calling that girl from baker's square last spring and finding out she was in high school.

feeling: slightly itchy
thinking of: inadvertent humor
music: "dear penis" rodney carrington