Monday, November 17, 2003

so it's monday.

i don't see the big deal about mondays. they can be a minor annoyance mostly because i have to leave the house earlier than normal because of the parking deal at work, but i'm pretty sure that i've mentioned that before. it probably has to do with the fact that mondays are generally a very light day for me, the busiest days of the week are without doubt, tuesday and wednesday.

even then, despite the comparative dearth of activity on mondays, it seems as though office space, and i hate, hate, hate that movie, got it right. remember them talking about having a "case of the mondays?" i'm not sure i've heard anything stupider in my entire life, and i've heard jello biafra's spoken word stuff, and celine dion's titanic song.

maybe i'd have a "case of the mondays" monday morning if i had a case of the budweiser sunday night.

feelng: travelicious
thinking of: not sure just yet
music: "we're at the top of the world" the juliana theory