Saturday, January 10, 2004

if i hear the word(s) "low carb" again someone's gonna pay, i swear someone's gonna pay.

with the way that people are avioiding carbs, you'd think they carried the herpes or somesuch, but even herpes seems to carry less stigma than do the dreaded carbs right now. if you need proof just look at the valtrex commercials that are on like half a dozen times every hour where people with herpes are shown doing all kinds of neat stuff like hang-gliding and rock-climbing, and probably all manner of other hyphenated activities.

where was i?? herpes? oh that's right, carbs, worse yet. so anyways, it's like the latest thing, low-carb this, low-carb that, even fast food joints are getting in on the whole thing, trading in burgers and sandwiches for these new lettuce wraps that don't give people herpes like i'd imagine the buns used on the burgers and sandwiches do. it's pretty hilarious actually, carl's jr has got this new six dollar wrap that's pretty much just a big-ass slab of ground beef that comes wrapped in lettuce instead of a bun, i think the last thing i'd want to do with something like that is eat it. that bastard dr. atkins is to blame, and if he wasn't already dead, i'd be plotting his demise for sure.

so people are terrified of bread and horrfied by pasta because they make people fat. it's stupid, mostly because even though those are carbs, and consuming too many carbs can lead to being overweight or difficulty in losing weight, but the problem isn't the fact that burgers or sandwiches have too many carbs in the way of bread, it's that people can't stop stuffing their faces with them.

screw you dr. atkins.

feeling: surly
thinking of: too much, and nothing, all at the same time
music: "lonely holiday" old 97s