Monday, August 09, 2004

first of three

i don't mind interruptions.

i notice that little things that go wrong tend to irritate me more than big things that go wrong. i'm not certain why that is, but i suspect it has to do with the idea that little things tend to be more directly in my control and when stuff like that goes wrong, even when it's not in my control at all, i'm sorta bugged by the idea that i could have done something simple to prevent it. on the other hand, when the wheels shoot off of something big, or maybe even huge, it doesn't tend to bother me so much, mostly because in the vast majority of those occasions, the only two options i have in the way of reaction are "nothing" and "like it," so there's no real use in getting worked up about circumstances then.

so anyways, there's a story, you knew there'd have to be. it starts a week ago saturday morning whenever i got up to go run some errands. i head out to my car, walk into the parking lot, look up and see that my car's gone. the whole thing wasn't really a matter of me forgetting where i parked it, i mean i have an assigned parking spot, and in two years of living in the same apartments, i've never come back to find someone in my spot, which would necesitate me parking on the street. but i check anyway, thinking maybe for some reason or another, i parked on the street, maybe my spot was blocked in, something like that. so i walk up and down the street a bit, find nothing and figure i better call the cops to make a report.

reality dawns on me, and even with the understanding that i no longer have a car, i seem to deal exceptionally well with the whole thing, at least from what i was told; mostly because, like i was saying before, i didn't figure there was really all that much i could have done about it, shite happens sorta thing. i start to making plans to get another car, which luckily isn't anything that will completely ruin me financially, which is to say that it won't require me to go into any debt outside of borrowing a couple hundred dollars from family just to make sure i had enough to make all my bills for the month.

it would get better, or worse, i haven't decided yet.

feeling: exhausted, sofa king exhausted
thinking of:
music: "freefall (from hand to hand)" stavesacre