Wednesday, September 15, 2004

second of two continued from, umm. . .

so i'm about to be finished complaining. i promise.


anyways, i figure i left off about the time that i got the letter from the california highway patrol, that'd be the actual real life CHiPs for those of you who are fans of the fine work of erik estrada, or maybe just the handful of you who watched way too much channel 27 during the day whenever you didn't have to go to school. now why they sent me the letter instead of calling, i'll never know, well i do precisely why they did it that way, but i'm trying really hard lately not to be cynical. in any case, the letter said that squeaky'd been recovered on the 31st, the day after i'd reported him being stolen, i get the letter like three days later. now if they'd called, the day it'd been recovered, i could have made plans to get the car the next day, but since they sent a letter, i was on the hook for the impound fees for all the days that it had been in storage.

i'd pretty much resigned myself to being screwed as far as that goes, i mean i did want my car back, what with all the sentimental value and maybe since i've got another one, i could sell one or the other to get back at least some of the money i'd spent on cars or things closely related, which i'd figure is between $1700 and $1800, so not getting it out wasn't really worth the lack of effort it would have required, if that makes any sense. saturday rolls around and so i go to get the car, it's in south gate which is like fifteen or twenty minutes from here, and like i was saying, i was all prepared to get it, pay all the money and everything like that, so i get there, take care of everything, and when i finally get around to going to the yard to actually take the car out, the left front tire is nearly flat, the lights were on and so the battery was dead, and it was out of gas, so jumping it, at least at that point, would have been futile.

for some reason, all that stuff made me more pissed than having to go and pay $265 just to get it out of impound seemed to. what i figured was that it wasn't a matter of sheer quantity, i'm not really an empiricist, so i'm not really into quantifying or measuring things like that, but i don't feel like there's any real doubt that the overall expense of money is a more stressful thing to deal with than simply having to deal with a used up battery a flat tire and an empty gas tank.

so the next day was no great shakes either, i was talking to k, who i've gotten to know really well here lately, and in conversation with her i sort of realized that what bugged so much was just that by that time everything had seemed to pile up on top of itself. talking to her was good though, she'd sort of walked me through that week and was in a pretty similar mood to me, and i know we both felt better after talking. it was the end of a week that was just devastatingly draining and i think that night mostly we just sort of commiserated.

oh, and i've started biting my fingernails again, but i said i'd be finished complaining, happier stuff to come.

feeling: release
thinking of: my bed
music: "variations on a theme" the juliana theory