Thursday, October 02, 2003

autumn is coming.

i guess it's here technically, but the last day or so it's started to show up in a way more tangible than on the calendar. it seems as though i first noticed that last night. yesterday was a long day, wednesdays always are, and i got home around ten last night, after a stop at baker's square, which was about as necessary an amenity as there ever has been. but anyways, normally when i get home, i open up the blinds, and if it's closed the living room window. so anyways, after a while, the breeze became just a bit to nippy for my liking and i shut the window.

i'm not sure how i feel about that because, having lived in chicago, at no point should weather in long beach faze me, there's no reason for that. but then i got to thinking, even when i lived there and walked around when it was twenty degrees outside, i was pretty adamant about it being somewhat toasty inside, so i don't guess it's as big a deal as i initially felt it might be. i also can't get away from the reality that if i stay here long enough, my blood will thin out and i'll wear a winter coat whenever it dips below 60.

i don't even think i have a winter coat right now.

feeling: mostly adequate
thinking of: soup
music: "the party in your head" the reverend horton heat