Sunday, September 21, 2003

it finally happened.

i've lived in this apartment for a year and today, for the first time, i lost the remote control. it's not as simple as all that really, just losing the remote control. i have three of them, one for the cable, one for the tv, and one for the dvd/vcr. the one that's of most consequence is the cable one, it being the one that changes the channel, and that's the one that went missing. it's such an irritating thing, not the kind of thing that will ruin a day, at least not the kind of thing that should ruin a day, but the kind of thing that can drive a person (read:me) nuts. it was quite pathetic actually, i didn't even want to change the channel, i was just pissed that i couldn't find it. so i found it a few minutes ago and decided i could sit down and blog.

so anyways, today was a long day. a good day, and a fun day, but a long day, i showed up at work at around eight, went home for a lil over a half hour for lunch, came back and was summarily pressed into chauffeur duty, then i made balloon sculptures. it was all good, time well spent, very interaction intensive and i got to spend time with a lot of neat people. today was also the first day of fall, and the last day of summer. i dunno exactly what time the equinox was but it was sometime during the day so today was both. it's like that simpsons where frink is having the garage sale and he says "good morning" to marge, and "good afternoon" to homer and says that the clock struck noon in between both greetings, so technically it was correct.


feeling: a bit drained
thinking of: driving
music: "so long sweet summer" dashboard confessional