Friday, October 17, 2003

ok, i'm over it.

i think i'm over it anyway. i've spent this week getting over the most ridiculous case of jet-lag ever, not really ridiculous because of its severity or anything, it wasn't really severe at all, more of a nuisance than anything else. i think i adjusted too quickly or too well to being on a schedule three hours later than i was used to, pretty much every morning i was there i was up before 8 local time, which was before 5 as far as my body was concerned.

so anyways, i get back and find myself waking up around 5 every morning this week without the ability to roll back over and give the act of awakening the finger. case in point, yesterday, my day off, i was awake and out of bed by half past six, mostly because staying in bed just didn't feel good. it was like that simpsons where homer is trying to eat that 12 pound steak and after getting about halfway through it can't possibly eat any more of it, and laments to himself "awww there's food in front of me, but i don't want to eat any. . .ahhh i've become everything i've ever hated!!!"

vacation pics should be up soon, pending approval.

feeling: more or less normal
thinking of: i dunno, i'm taking suggestions i guess
music: "to have and have not" lars fredriksen and the bastards