Wednesday, October 08, 2003

california has a new king.

let's be honest though, you can find all kinds of banal musings with self-important crap political analysis in a gazillion other places, my banal musings are proudly bereft of self-important crap political analysis. seriously, i got way more important stuff than that going on, the first item of which you probably noticed if you were here yesterday, which is the new design. i'm quite fond of it, and the good folks at maystar, i guess that'd just be may, are to thank. like i said, i like the design, but i'm considering an alteration of the color scheme. so here's what i would much appreciate from friends, acquaintances, enemies, and random passers-by, opine through the comments link as to 1) whether i should change it at all, and 2) what i should change it to.

i talked to lisa last night and that ripped, talked about slurpees, the quality of accomodations in backwater towns in arkansas, and all kinds of other fabulous stuff. it was great. she's the home of the Dorey Story, a new link, added yesterday. it's a blog worth reading if only for its views on the dutch.

today'll be busy, i'm leaving tomorrow, the long awaited north carolina trip to see katie, so, naturally, there's packing and a bunch of errands to run and loose ends to tie up before i head out. i'll probably write one more entry tomorrow morning, before my 7AM flight (no idea what i was thinking) won't be blogging while i'm gone, don't perceive that i'll be around a computer, and even if i was, it'd still be vacation, but i digress. in any case, i won't be back til tuesday afternoon, so think fondly of me.

i think it's safe to go to taco bell again.

feeling: action-packed
thinking of: packing
music: "jaks" u.s. bombs