Monday, October 06, 2003

renewed a friendship last nite.

it was nice. the whole thing started when i got home and saw the following message on my AIM:

it was from sarah, now i hate the cubs, but love sarah, so i was feeling pretty conflicted. i'm not sure that i fear the cubs winning the world series, hmm, after thinking about it for a second, i'm pretty sure i do, that would be the only thing that would even have a chance of overshadowing the bears' win in the 85 super bowl. that in and of itself is nuts, i mean it happened like twenty years ago, but when you cross into the city limits, you'd think that it'd happened the week before. i'm convinced there's gotta be more than a few churches that have a portrait of ditka in the place the cross normally occupies.

but i digress, and it was really good to talk to sarah last night, she's one of those friends that i feel like i grew up with, because in a lot of ways, i did. i knew her when i was in college and i'm pretty sure i did more growing up in four years of college than i did in the 18 years previous to that. she's in college now and doing well, which makes me happy, and i think the conversation we had did us both tons of good.

i wasn't kidding about ditka.

feeling: pressed for time
thinking of: layovers in dallas, thursday and next tuesday, anybody wanna have lunch?
music: "busted afternoon" old 97s