Saturday, November 08, 2003

i wish i was in portland today.

mostly because tonite is dunx's birthday party. a couple weeks ago, i got the following missive from him via the email:

you are all cordially invited to my 23rd (prime) birthday party, to be held the
evening of the 8th of November.
the formal parlance of this email is intended to make up for the horrid
debauchery, criminal activity, and sinfulness that is to occur.
i realize that you are all far away and have school/jobs, and therefore probably
can't even ponder making it, but i wanted to mention it anyway. at the very
least, I'll send pictures.

i thought about going, i really did, and it would have kicked ass if i had been able to, but you know how it is, the job and stuff sort of makes it impossible. it's been two years since i was at an honest to goodness party with dunx, three if you don't count new years which is really just s'posed to be a party anyway. based on past experience, horrid debauchery, criminal activity, and sinfulness are all pretty accurate assessments. in fact, i think he left out random acts of general violence, like the time we were at that party at rachel's house the day before she was s'posed to move out and those guys across the street wanted to fight us because dunx punched one of them in the face.

now that was a night of horrid debauchery, criminal activity, and sinfulness, that was the night of the now legendary naked party, and anybody you can party with like that is a true friend. i've talked about dunx before, he's the friend from way back that i get to see most often, mostly because he stops here on his way between dallas and portland. he's a badass, he really is, we grew up together, on the wrestling team and stuff, and then working like mexicans when we did maintenance at SM.

so anyways, he's 23 now, just like me, which is a bit nuts to think about since i've known him since i was about 14, and he's one of those guys i really can't say enough about, more or less just someone you know you were born to be friends with.

anybody that can nurse you through everclear chased with jack, jack and more jack and laugh at you for sleeping underneath a coffee table is definitely a true friend.

feeling: like i'm missing out
thinking of: dallas
music: "night on earth" bouncing souls