Saturday, November 22, 2003

wheaton college can dance now.

well, they're no longer forbidden from it anyway, whether they actually have the ability to do it or not is likely another thing altogether. in any case, last weekend wheaton had their first school sponsored non square dance in 143 years. i'm a wheaton alum, and i look back on my days as a thunder (a thunder??, but then who wants to be a crusader i guess, hassling muslims and whatnot??) pretty fondly, but one thing i never really understood was how much people complained about not being allowed to dance. seriously, it started at freshman orientation, you'd think that if people would piss and moan about anything it'd be something like not being allowed to drink or have sex, the dancing thing would fall right into line at that point.

now i'm the kind of person who'll go to a club if someone i'm with suggests it, it's definitely not the kind of thing i'd ever suggest myself, could be because me and dunx almost got arrested at a club once, but that's another entry altogether. so anyways, it seemed like people wanted to dance if only because they weren't allowed to, like this one time i had a friend whose brother was graduating from baylor during our christmas break. it being christmas break, the rules didn't apply, something about not being currently enrolled in school, so heading to a club wasn't forbidden.

so i was in dallas, my friend was at baylor, an hour and a half or so south, and called wanting to go out that night, something about her not having a car or being able to go anywhwere and if i didn't show up she'd be stranded and miserable. i show up, she's there with a friend of ours and we end up going to the club, what i guess is the one club in waco, texas. now these girls were nuts, so enthusiastic about getting to go dancing, i was pretty indifferent about the whole thing. when we got there, we walked in, looked at the dance floor, and they looked at each other, then looked at me, then looked at each other again as if to say "what are we s'posed to DO here??"

it was dumb.

feeling: old
thinking of: graham's in waco, if i never end up there again, it'll be too soon
music: "judas' kiss" petra