Friday, February 06, 2004

alceste1103: man, if i had a pimped out bachelor pad
alceste1103: with a fuckin asteroids video game machine - the big kind
alceste1103: and my fiance called oprah to fix it up
alceste1103: i'd dump her
ricv56: that's not just grounds for dismissa
ricv56: l
alceste1103: that calls for a beating
ricv56: that's wading into justifiable homicide country
alceste1103: she threw away his beer can collection
ricv56: immanently justifiable
alceste1103: and
alceste1103: filled the living room with orange floors, white shag carpeting and several glass tables
alceste1103: not everyone has faggoty tastes, you [******] faggot redesigner
ricv56: i'm down with shag carpeting

feeling: let's call it "afterglow"
thinking of: nothing good
music: "U.P.S. my heart to you" mojo nixon