Wednesday, May 12, 2004

second of two

this was a better world when structure was structure and not express men.

i needed jeans, the "nice" ones i got are showing early signs of wear, and i figured i'd rather wear them a bit less frequently and have them in good shape for a while longer than keep wear them out quicker than i feel like i need to. anyway, i head to los cerritos center, mostly because they have a structure. . .er an express men (expressmen?), which is where i get my jeans. that place had always done right by me, i'd been getting my jeans there since high school, some of which i still wear. they had good jeans, comfortable ones and they were cheap, which is to say inexpensive. i could usually get a pair that would last a while from there for around thirty bucks.

so i get to structure and start looking at jeans, and i was tempted to go outside and look at the sign to make sure i was in the right place, this despite the fact that i was well aware of the fact that the sign would say "express men" and not "structure," so i dunno where that thought came from. wait, yes i do, the jeans there sucked, i'm not sure they could have sucked any more if they had actually grown lips for the purpose. they were awful, they didn't look anything like the one's i'd gotten from there in the past, and on top of that there wasn't a pair cheaper than fifty bucks.

i needed a moment, or a few, i mean i was pretty disgusted by the whole "expressmen" imbroglio, and there was also the business of getting a new blazer, sportcoat, whatever, so i went to robinsons-may, where, evidently, extravaganza season was ongoing, because everything was marked down like 40%. now, i'm a 44S, as far as jackets go, which isn't always the easiest to find and i wasn't really finding anything all that impressive, at least not as far as coats went. what i did find was they had calvin klein suit separates in my size. you know how it is, it's more money than you planned spending or even than you want to spend, but in the back of your mind, you also know that you're not gonna find a deal like that for a while to come, so if there's a time to take advantage, it's right then, so i ended up getting a suit, the nearly three hundred bucks was most definitely more than i'd planned on spending that day, but considering the thing'd been marked down from over $450, i didn't feel too too bad.

anyways, for jeans, i'm down with anchor blue, for now

feeling: addicted
thinking of: dunno, nothing good probly
music: "i walk the line" johnny cash