Tuesday, June 08, 2004

it's tuesday again.

i wrote last week about 24 and how it sort of gave tuesday a claim to fame, made it worth looking a bit forward to, because i mean face it, it's tuesday, the only thing it really has going for it is that it's not monday. i suspect i have an aversion to that particular day of the week that comes from the one semester in college that i had class on tuesday pretty much straight through from 8-5, but that's neither here nor there i don't guess.

anyways, i was talking about how the latest season of 24 finished last week, which would seem to relegate tuesday back to its previous "monday-lite" status. i mean tuesday seems to lend itself to being a tv nite, and there's so very little that i actually like on tv, which i s'pose is more good than bad. so anyways, when i was younger, probly around ten or so my family were big fans of this show called "the commish" which featured this balding, pudgy guy as commissioner of a suburban police department in new york or somesuch. it was a solid show, nothing really dramatic, but enough of a story to keep a good pace for an hour and tidily wrap itself up in the same amount of time.

so fast forward about a dozen years or so and you find the same lead actor in a show on fX called "the shield," which is about as different from the commish as different gets, they're both cop shows, but that's pretty much where the similarities end. the suit-wearing, balding, pudgy commish evolved into this head-shaven, black t-shirt wearing, absolute hardass with a most definite "ends justify the means" mentality. in contrast to the commish, there's nothing at all tidy about the shield, and given my postmodern sensibilities, that's the sort of thing that made me really dig it. the combination of the long arcs the stories have (nothing gets wrapped up in an hour) as well as the ambiguity of the characters like vic, the old commish, is the kind of thing that makes you feel really conflicted about wanting him to "win" or even considering him the "good guy."

i started watching it toward the end of this last season, and i s'pose the fact that they ran promos for it during 24 helped, it'd make sense that those shows would draw from similar demographics. even though the similarity is what drew me in, the shield scratches a bit of a different itch than 24, the drama is just as big, but the stories revolve around smaller stuff, to where disbelief didn't have to be suspended quite so drastically.

24 still rips though.

feeling: unclear
thinking of: winnsboro, texas
music: "cut the mullet" wesley willis