Monday, June 07, 2004

second of two

so i have short hair now.

in fact, it's shortest i've had it since that tenth grade year. that could mean a few different things, for example, people that know me might be inclined to think that it's really not short, as such, based mostly on the fact that my penchant to sport hair that'd always seem to possess some of the qualities one might find in a mop. right now, however, this isn't the case because my hair's not just short for me, i mean it's short, like completely devoid of any and all shagginess.

this is a somewhat recent occurance, it happened three weeks ago. i can't really put my finger on what spurred the desire get it cut, maybe it wasn't really anything at all, i do remember feeling quite impulsive when i went about it. so anyways, i walked down to supercuts, which i realize was a gamble in and of itself and left pretty much feeling like i did that day sophomore year, feeling like i looked like a dope. check that, i felt worse, i didn't even have the consolation of going to state this time.

so almost immediately i regretted it, so much so that i thought about taking the clippers to it. i really felt like it was that bad, but that too would have been impulsive and no solution either. i feel like more than anything else, what drove me nuts wasn't that it was bad, three weeks out, i can say it really wasn't. what was most shocking was how drastic a change it was. it's funny how something as trivial as that can get to be the kind of thing in which you wrap up some concept of yourself. i mean it wasn't the kinda thing that made me contemplate not leaving the house til it grew out.

i did wear a hat all day the next day, though.

feeling: adjusted
thinking of: patience
music: "memphis" rancid