Thursday, August 21, 2003

day-offing it today.

new links today, just two, one is my amazon wishlist. i don't really expect anybody to get me anything, but i figure it couldn't hurt to put the thing up there for a couple of reasons. it would be pretty sweet if someone did end up getting me something, since books aren't necessarily the first thing i think to spend my money on. the other reason is that it might serve to provide some insight into me for some people who don't know me all that well. the other one is a link to some pictures, there's about twenty of them, most of them are from last summer. so there you have it i guess.

made it to the beach last night, probably for the last time this summer. this week's been pretty busy, monday was 11 hrs at work and yesterday was 12, so i'm trying to keep it simple today. my big day off rule is that i won't darken the door of the office, which unfortunately doesn't preclude errands and stuff like that. i really shouldn't complain, having a weekday off to do stuff like that beats trying to squeeze it in on a weekend with a stick.

like today i think i need to run to the grocery store, this despite the fact that i was there on sunday. it happens once in a while, i gotta go back and get some stuff i forgot, it's mostly because i don't make lists, which is to say that i don't really write much of anything down. i''ve never found it to be terribly helpful, despite the times it proves to be a slight inconvenience, mostly i've found it just serves to give me something else to do, another detail to keep up with.

i'm not the most detail oriented person.

feeling: relaxed
thinking of: rachel, in japan now
music: "kid" bouncing souls