Tuesday, August 19, 2003

so i fell asleep on the couch last nite.

it happens every once in a while and it can be pretty maddening. i can't stay asleep the whole night when i fall asleep there, so i usually wake up around one or so and am just coherent enough to realize that i'm not in bed and that i need to go there. wouldn't want to sleep through bedtime, although i think i would hate life if i woke up one morning on the couch and realized i hadn't slept in my bed that nite, i'm pretty sure my imagination would convince myself that i hadn't slept at all, and who really needs that.

it's cloudy today, i want to go fishing.

feeling: a duller pain than yesterday
thinking of: changing the name of the blog to "the back pain chronicles"
music: "red carpet and rebellion" the distillers