Thursday, August 07, 2003

i save everything.

it's quite ridiculous actually. i've got stuff that no sane person would even consider keeping. report cards from seventh grade, notes from middle school. i can't bring myself to erase even the most mundane emails from my inbox. it's silly really, i seem to be quite a sentimental fool. maybe that's why i started doing this, sort of to make things easier. i've always had a pretty good memory, but it's not necessarily comprehensive, i'll remember the most remote details about an event, but some of the other stuff will get lost on me over time, so i figured it might be a good idea to keep track of stuff like that.

the discipline thing was also a bit appealing to me, in that it's something i've never been able to master as far as writing goes. it's always been very sporadic, i'd write myself an email about something, jot something down on a random piece of paper, but nothing that was ever consistent. i'd always write that off to being a trait of my personality. i'm ENFP, and the kind of person that tends to lose interest in stuff that's not immediate, or stuff that i don't feel is meaningful, and after a while, it seems that whatever it is i write ceases to be meaningful. so i'm sort of working on how to effectively integrate the quest for meaning with the desire to remain self-disciplined.

i think it helps that i've realized that i don't really have to say anything revolutionary every time i decide to write, which is how i felt before. i was sort of inspired by a quote from c.s. lewis he says

even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it.

that's the quote that inspired the title i use. i'm not saying anything that's original really, and it kind of amuses me when people seek to be original for its own sake. nothing i say really matters inasmuch as nothing i say is anything that someone hasn't already thought of, and as long as i realize that all i can do is be honest. that's helpful.

so anyways, this week is almost over, and i'd be lying if i said i wasn't happy about that. it's been good, but really long, a couple of 12 hour days, but it's being managed. i was pretty mentally prepared for this week, and i knew it would be busy, which definitely helped. technically it was my day off, so i stayed home during the day, ran an errand, finally made it to the post office to send beth her package, so hopefully she'll get it by saturday. i'm stoked about that. other than that, katie called today, that was cool, all the stuff for going out there is squared away now which is nice. now i definitely have something to look forward to.

i added a "comment" link today, someone humor me and comment so i can see if it works. it'd also be pretty sweet if anyone actually had something to say, but i won't push it. formatting's been a bit of an issue too, when i open this page, it gets cut off, but then if i restore it down and then maximize it again, the whole page shows up. is that happening for anyone else?

leaving, before i wear out my welcome.

feeling: a bit tired
thinking of: beth, hoping she can get to sleep
music: "black and blue" rancid