Monday, August 25, 2003

i've been spoiled by mechanical solidarity.

maybe a bit of a primer is in order here, mechanical solidarity, you might recall, is a concept articulated by emile durkheim (one of the three fathers of sociology, Karl Marx and Max Weber being the other two) that describes how in certain communities people's associations are dictated more by who their neighbors are and their proximity to them than anything else. that's pretty much what college is, well was for me anyway, living on campus at a small school, the kind of community where socially, most everybody is in the same situation, going to classes, doing homework, being surrounded by familiar people, people with whom affinity is shared.

but anyways, i'm not really spoiled by it anymore, mostly because i haven't experienced it in over a year. i think that's the most difficult part of the post-college adjustment. out of college, in places where organic solidarity takes the place of mechanical solidarity, people's associations are dictated not by neighborhood connections and things like that, but more by elective affinity kind of things, workplace, clubs, church, stuff like that. what i'm getting used to is not being surrounded by people who are largely in the same situation i find myself in.

maybe i just need a roommate.

feeling: somewhat isolated
thinking of: structural-functional theory, that's not like me at all
music: "mexico" the refreshments