Friday, August 22, 2003

thursday was good.

didn't really do much which was the plan to begin with, so that worked out beautifully. one thing i probly should have done that i didn't was make some phone calls, long distance ones, keep up with people and stuff. part of the trouble of living on the west coast is the whole time zone thing, all the friends i woulda called yesterday were either central (lisa, wes) or eastern (katie). katie teaches kindergarten. lisa's moving, starting school and stuff, so's wes. wes majored in trumpet, and now he's going to grad school for trumpet. that sounds funnier than it actually is.

i also wanted to call home, catch up with my dad, it's been a couple weeks since we last talked. shite at home's messed up, my mom hasn't called, and i know why she hasn't called, i'd call her, but that'd cause more problems than it'd solve. long story short, she's moved out, told my dad not to tell me because she wanted to, and i'm pretty sure she's trepidacious of the conversation that'll take place when she does tell me. i found out anyway from my brother, so i think she still doesn't know i know. my brother is allegedly married, which supposedly happened about a month ago, i'm excited for him and everything, but he's 18 and trying to start school this year. i hope it works out for him.

ironically the phone conversation that i did have yesterday was worth so much less than the time spent having it, that's probably what i get for not being proactive with the other ones.

soliciting advice through the comments link today.

feeling: good
thinking of: the weekend
music: "all there is to know" phil keaggy