Monday, September 08, 2003

i'm not sure what to write about today.

i felt like absolute trash when i woke up, that wasn't just a whole lot of fun. i've had my shower, though, so i'm in pretty good shape right now. today will be pretty busy, the morning is all tied up with stuff, hopefully the afternoon will be a bit less action packed, i'm thinking i'll probly have to run out and do an errand or two though, get some curriculum or something.

i got some really asenine email forwards over the weekend, and what was worse was that some people thought i cared enough about what they thought to click "reply all," so i could read their opinions on the state of quasi-civil religion in the united states. those emails were actaully more asenine than the forwards, and i actually saw those before the forwards, because i've got my email set up to send forwards directly into my trash folder. now all i gotta do is figure out how to filter the responses out too.

everybody talks, and people rarely say a word.

feeling: in need of a backrub
thinking of: no rest for the wicked, that's what
music: "ballad of a lonely man" mike ness