Sunday, September 14, 2003

i's back.

good weekend, went up to the mountains, past redlands up into the san bernardino forest. the scenery was beautiful, i haven't had a chance to spend much time in places like that lately, vestiges of urban civilization were definitely present, at least in the form of smog. the price to be paid for having moutains within two hours' drive is that they hold all the pollution in. i hiked up to this point, a clearing with a view of pretty much the entire valley, and the only complaint that i might have had about the whole thing was that i wish it'd been clearer, without so much smog.

the retreat was relaxing and it was productive, but i realized that my outlook on reality is far too postmodern to be adequately understood by most of the people around me. most of the people i deal with, that is to say people that make decisions, are people with backgrounds in business, which, in a lot of ways, is about as far away as you can get from sociology, which is what my degree is in. it's almost like speaking two different languages, the things valued by everyone are so different just based on the context in which they're educated, the frames of reference so radically different.

i would be remiss if i didn't mention john ritter as well. he was a sorely underrated entertainer. i'd watch anything he did before i'd watch that useless jerry seinfeld.

feeling: relieved
thinking of: rent
music: "i need somebody" chagall guevara