Wednesday, December 03, 2003

i dig christmas music.

this is a good time of year to do that, being december and all. generally, it's the only time i do think about christmas music, which makes sense. that wasn't always the case, however. when i was real little, we hung out with my grandma a lot, go on errands with her and stuff. around that time she drove a white chevy monte carlo, probly an early 80's model, which had a cassette player in it, a feature that was in neither of my parents' cars.

you know how it is when you're a little kid, you'd get a movie on video and drive your parents to consider abandoning you because of your watching it at least eight or nine times a day and i'm pretty sure that we drove my grandmother to similar madness. see she had this tape of a very young wayne newton singing christmas carols. she started playing it one winter and we dug it. every time we'd get in her car we'd clamor to hear it. christmas came and went and still we'd want to hear nothing else, so wayne newton belted out christmas favorites all the way through at least march.

no more wayne newton anymore, and i'll never figure out what led some grade school kids into a fascination with his christmas album. no, the current source for christmas music is wheaton college's WETN radio. they started with christmas music the day after thanksgiving and are playing it non-stop through new year's day. here's the link if you're down with christmas music and can listen in your office or something like that, definitely some cheerful background noise, though they do break for chapel monday, wednesday and friday, and for the occasional thunder athletic contest.

seriously, wayne newton? what was that about?

feeling: well-groomed
thinking of: christmas cards
music: "coffee mug" the descendants