Monday, December 15, 2003

i haven't figured out how to turn on the heater.

that's in my apartment, the one in the car is pretty easy. the one in the apartment, on the other hand looks like an artifact from the early part of the previous century. there's a lil knob at the bottom of it, which i've located and figured out how to turn, but to no avail. mostly because i suspect the pilot light hasn't been lit. what's a bit frustrating is that i don't really know where the pilot light is in this silly thing, in the lil directions on the thing, it tells me in step #2 simply to light the pilot light, without so much as mentioning where the franking thing can be found.

so saturday morning, i armed myself with the lighter, you know the one with the long neck you use to light the stove, and tried to find the gas, which pretty much went nowhere. better judgement led me to stop that particular operation after a few minutes, i didn't want to blow the place to high holy hell.

i'm pretty sure i'd have forfeited my deposit if i'd done that.

feeling: defective Y chromosome
thinking of: long sleeves
music: "hands down" dashboard confessional