Sunday, December 07, 2003

what a cruddy weekend.

at least football-wise, the rest wasn't so bad, but i think i'll talk about that tomorrow. so anyways, the scores were as follows:

mount union 56, wheaton 10
philadelphia 36, dallas 10
kansas st. 35, oklahoma 7

neither of the first two were surprising. wheaton's had an awesome season, its best ever, but not even my fabulous cheering techniques would seem to have helped. mount union had won 53 straight and six out of the last seven national titles, and had knocked wheaton out of the playoffs last year. no one's come close to touching them in about four years. beating them would have been a major upset. so anyways, the purple raiders move on, likely to win their seventh national title in eight years and wheaton goes back to campus, ostensibly to dance, now that they can.

the cowboys lost, to filthydelphia, but the eagles been tearing it up lately. in fact, the last game they lost was to the cowboys, and that was like eight weeks or so ago. i'm a bit worried about the cowboys, i've resigned myself to the fact that they're likely one and done in the playoffs, but i'd like to see them win 10 this year, which, from the way they've played the last couple weeks, i'm not sure they'll end up doing.

the shocker here was the ou and k-state, which effectively messed up the horns' best plans, which were either fiesta or rose bowl. i mean it's not oklahoma's fault for not beating k-state, the horns could have saved themselves some trouble by not getting the ever living shite kicked out of them by the sooners, but it seems sorry that a team with more losses than them which they beat gets a better bowl than the the horns do.

all that said, f**king sooners.

feeling: satisfied
thinking of: disneyland, it's not what you think
music: "stupid kid" caedmon's call