Saturday, December 13, 2003

second of two

so i've got these presuppositions.

and in order to more adequately understand the internal (both cognitive and affective) context of some of the stuff i write, i guess a bit of a primer is in order. the most significant presupps that i got tend to be spiritual in nature, mostly nature of God sort of things, even what i believe about myself is informed by those more than they are anything else. bascially, the one of consequence here is that i owe the entirety of my existance to God and that he's faithful even when i'm not. more than that, he seems to be most faithful when i'm least faithful, reminding me that he's so much bigger than me and so much better at orchestrating my life than i am.

in any case, this week's been good. and it's been good not because anything spectacularly good has happened, but more because there have been lil unexpected things that have just sort of made the regular stuff better. what sticks out are sunday and tuesday. sunday i went to that christmas concert with sarah, and i don't think that could have possibly been a better night than it was. she had to go to work like right after that, which i thought was kind of a drag at first, but looking back, i feel like it's better that it worked out that way.

tuesday i went to a luncheon up in west covina and carpooled with this guy john. i know him pretty casually and since we were both driving up from long beach, we decided to carpool. he's a cool guy, quite a bit older than me, i think he's 40 actually, and here lately i've been sort of hyper-aware that i've been lacking a mentor-type figure. so anyways, it was really good getting to talk to him, the sort of conversation that i've really been craving lately. it was pretty unexpected and pretty much precisely what i've needed for a little while here.

it's funny because here lately i haven't really felt like i've been all that faithful, and mostly i've been reminded that good things happen in my life more often in spite of myself than they do because of me or anything it is that i do.

feeling: undeserving
thinking of: stamps
music: "dust to dust" keith green