Saturday, February 21, 2004

even in dating, the brave new world is here.

i was talking to one of my girls not too long ago, she's a high school junior, and she mentioned that there was some guy at school who had been text-messaging her to ask her to go out with him, get a date, whatever. i don't remember my exact response, but it was along the lines that if the guy didn't have the guts to ask her face to face, then he's not worth her time and he doesn't deserve hers. i thought about backing off a bit, because when i was that age, i didn't always do that myself, i'd use the phone, which even now, i think is totally reasonable. but then she told me that this same guy, text-message wonder, wouldn't even acknowledge her when he did see her face to face.

it sorta made me wonder, if he had no idea what to say to her whenever he happened to run into her, and was probably even afraid of interaction in that setting, what could he possibly think would happen if she were to say yes, agree to go out on a date with him and have to spend at least a couple of hours with her one on one? it made me think of something my wrestling coach used to say, and i have no idea of the context into which the question was uttered, but he said "that's like a dog chasing a car, what the hell's he gonna do with it if he catches it?!?"

in fairness, at that age especially, dating is harder for guys than it is for girls, not that it's easy for girls or that the issues faced by either gender are the same, or even comparable, but generally, the males are the pursuers. it's the guy who goes out on the limb, and it's the guy who has to come up with the plan, the girl is the one with all the discretion. there's all that and the general rule that guys in high school are pretty much clueless socially.

a dog catching the car he's chasing, that's classic.

feeling: sore in the hamstrings
thinking of: text messaging a girl to ask her out
music: "three biggest lies" david allan coe