Tuesday, February 17, 2004

second of two, continued from yesterday.

so, like i said, it's a tough time to be a ranger fan.

i mentioned the losing and the mismanagement, and even though the losing's a drag, knowing that the whole thing is being haphazardly and carelessly taken care of makes the whole thing about a million times worse. the funny thing about people in charge of such a public enterprise doing a crappy job is that they don't want anyone to know that they're doing a crappy job, even funnier is that they think no one will know they're doing a crappy job if they just tell everyone they're not.

the way they figured they'd do that is by casting doubt on a-rod's desire to be in texas, making him out to be the one who really wanted out. in all reality, a-rod likely did want out. when he signed his quarter-billion dollar contract management gave him the impression that the team was in position to contend for the playoffs, which, despite the last place finish the year previous, wasn't a huge strecth since they'd been division champions three out of the four years before that; and that they were going to remain commited to having the kind of payroll that would enable them to stay in that position.

so basically what ensues is that a-rod has the rug pulled out from under him because after huckleberry and snaggle puss gave millions to retreads like ken caminiti, andres galarraga, todd van poppel, and jay powell, millions more to guys that end up getting hurt like rusty greer and jeff zimmer man, and still millions more to scrubs that just aren't any good like chan-ho park, the team's losing continues, fans stop coming, huckleberry hicks starts losing money and decides to slash payroll.

so once it's clear the teams gonna suck for a while longer, rumors start to float that maybe a-rod's not the happiest to be here, you know because of the losing and that he and the team would both be better off if he and his contract were shipped off to boston or someplace. at that point the seed's planted that a-rod's contract is the sole reason that the team sucks and that they had to get rid of pudge and raffy as well as the reason they're not able to sign any free agents, and as a result fans are pissed at a-rod, telling him not to let the door hit him where the good lord split him, which is just idiocy.

i'm not an a-rod fan, not by any stretch really, but i think it sucks to see him, the best player i've ever seen play the game and a guy who showed up every day and did his job like a professional, leave the team i grew up cheering for. people can piss and moan about him not wanting to be in texas or whatever, but i'll take a guy like him who's doing his job, and doing it exceptionally well, even if he doesn't really want to be here over ten guys who really want to be there and aren't doing their job.

there, i've vented my spleen.

feeling: unburdened
thinking of: stretching
music: "**** with me and find out" wesley willis