quick hits. . .
*omg, yesterday was definitely a day where i wished i lived in texas again, if only to have seen that game. sucks that it wasn't on tv here, we got the cubs and pirates instead. anyways ten left, they need to finish three better than the A's in those ten and one better than the angels to win the division outright. if there's a tie, the one-game playoff is at the temple and if they make it into the playoffs, and if they play a playoff game the weekend i'm in dallas, you better believe i'll club everyone in my way to get through the doors of the place.
*i got invited to someone's house for dinner last night, i'd known about it for weeks and completely forgot about it until i got a call asking me if i'd forgotten. i was talking to laura when it happened, and i felt like a dork for having forgotten and for having to bail on her so quickly.
*i'm having trouble sleeping lately, it's not like i'm lying awake for hours unable to fall asleep, the trouble is that i can't seem to stay asleep, i'm waking up like four and a half or five hours after going to sleep and not really being able to get back there.
*bone called, he told me about the time he made jay barnard cry. jay was a pretty alright guy, but he had that one coming.
*i got an email from dunx yesterday, he said no one wants to hire mathematicians these days, i could have told him the very same thing any number of weeks or months ago when knowing that might have been useful. hehe, i love you dunx.
*no countdown or anything, but in two weeks i'll be in dallas.
*on my way home last night, i stopped to see kris at work, i was gonna just leave a card on her winshield, but i figured that it'd be stupid for me to go over there and not see her. i was right.
feeling: refreshed
thinking of: yesterday
music: "story of my life" social distortion
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