Friday, August 08, 2003

jorge ramos is my hero.

i s'pose i shouldn't really leave it at that, jorge ramos calls soccer games on radio unica, that's in spanish. anyways, i was talking to my dad this past weekend, and the gold cup had just finished, mexico beat brasil for the championship in sudden-death overtime and ramos went nuts on the call. i didn't hear it, my dad did, so he told me about it. the goal was scored, and he went on for a solid two mintues after that, ending by saying "SOMOS CAMPEONES CABRONES!!!" for comparison, if a guy calling a game in english said the english equivalent to that, he'd be reprimanded and suspended by the fcc. i was pretty disappointed that i missed it, but lucky for me i found a clip of it on the web. it was awesome, and now he says it whenever i turn my computer on.

quite a few people are moving, different circumstances for them all, but in any case, moving can be a royal pain, regardless of the circumstances. i remember moving out here. actually moving out here wasn't so bad, mostly because my stuff was already in boxes from having moved from illinois three months before. i didn't have a room anymore, so i lived in the living room, and i didn't really have any place to unload my stuff, so it mostly stayed in boxes in the garage. i didn't have just a whole lot of stuff, so pretty much everything i owned was jammed into the back of my car. bone's moving, and he started a blog, i'll link to it if he says it's ok and if he stops talking about shaving his back.

i won't write tomorrow, mostly because i won't be here, so no update.
if i'm not back by sunday avenge my death.

feeling: conflicted
thinking of: football, though i don't know why
music: "cheating at solitaire" mike ness