Sunday, August 10, 2003

i's back

i wasn't really gone that long, not even 24 hours. it was a good weekend though, i had five jr. high kids here on friday for a sleep over. that was fun, but i don't think i'll be doing anything like that again for a little while to come. the lights finally went out around 3AM, after which i summarily fell asleep. evidently, however, they didn't actually make it to sleep until a few hours after that. you know how it is, all of them were afraid of being the first one asleep. i wake up around half past seven that morning, one of the kids is still up, hasn't been to sleep at all, hadn't been medicated, i'm convinced he could go a week without sleep if he had to. so anyways i take him on a walk with me to the donut shop to get donuts for everyone. that was definitely the move, load them up with sugar before i take them home to their parents, which took place between half past ten and eleven.

so anyways on saturday i went down to san diego and spent the night at a cabin down there with some folks from my church. on the way home, i was pondering examining it as an exercise in self-examination, that and getting a mean driver tan. so anyways, armed with the ample time that traffic and distance the drive from san diego to long beach combine to provide i thought about how much i've decreased in extravertedness over the past five years or so. i'm still a mild extravert, which says, more than anything, how extraverted i was then. i know i've toned down a lot since about the time i graduated high school, and i wonder how much of that is due to the decision i made to be more restrained about stuff like that and how much is due to me becoming more self-absorbed or something like that. like this weekend, i found myself hesitant to go before i left, but coming back, i was so glad i'd gone. i found myself feeing the same way after similar stuff not long after i moved out here. there'd be some sort of event, which in the past, i never would have even given a second thought to, i would have just gone, but then i'd really just not want to go, not even that so much as just feel like leaving my place wasn't worth the effort. without exception, on the way home i'd be so glad i'd gone, and couldn't believe that i'd contemplated skipping it to stay home. this weekend was exactly like that. it wasn't that i didn't want to go, more than anything i was contemplating the challenge it posed to my comfort zone, the challenge wasn't even substantial, and it proved to be more than worth it.

denis leary's getting roasted on comedy central.

feeling: satisfied
thinking of: getting a bike
music: "time brings change" MxPx