Thursday, October 23, 2003

i need a biographer.

i'm not entirely sure what prompted that thought, i do remember that i was in the car when i had it though. i tend to do my best thinking in the car, which is somewhat unfortunate, because i don't drive nearly as much as i used to. i remember when i lived in chicago, every once in a while, i'd get up around five and drive to this panaderia (mexican bakery for the uninitiated) in cicero, and it was just as much for the hour or so i'd spend in the car in thought as it was for the stuff i got there.

so anyways, to the point, i think the biographer thing sprung from a train of thought where i was reflecting on how i'm not terribly detail oriented and how it'd help if there was someone i had to sort of cite the details of my life that get lost on me. on top of that i think lately i've become more aware of blind spots in my life. not necessarily what they are, or else they wouldn't be blind spots, but that i *have* blind spots, which has always been something i've had difficulty admitting to myself.

maybe i should become a better writer.

feeling: hungry, which is odd for this time of nite
thinking of: a lot
music: "the warrior" mylon and broken heart