Monday, October 20, 2003

it's football season.

i haven't really followed it very closely. in fact, i don't think i've watched a single game from start to finish so far this year, which is curious for a few reasons. one is because i've got cable this year and i have more opportunity to watch games than i ever have in the past, granted it's usually the likes of utah st. vs. bowling green or something like that. that, in and of itself is curious, because watching crap teams never seemed to bother me in the past. when i was growing up, other kids were getting up early on saturday morning to watch cartoons, i was getting up early to watch baylor play rice. i'm sure my parents considered seeking counseling on my behalf, baylor and rice have both sucked for a long time and i suspect that the only people that watch games of either of those teams from start to finish watch them compulsorily, strapped in, "a clockwork orange" style.

i understand the game too, which makes my diminished interest a bit more puzzling. mostly people lose interest with something because they don't understand the intricacies behind it. on top of that, i understand it in a way a lot of people don't. i can explain to you what a cover 2 defense is, the difference between a 3-4 defense and a 4-3 defense, what a fold block is, the zone blocking scheme. why teams run running plays (this one's for bone), for example, is more than just one fellow running headlong into a convoy of beefy gentlemen. most running plays are designed to gain four or five yards. there's the center, he's the guy whose virility is, quite literally, in the quarterback's hands, the guys on either side of him are called guards. look, for instance at a trap play, on that particular play if it's being run to the right, the guard to the right of the center doesn't touch the guy right in front of him, but goes to get a linebacker instead, usually the guy over the center, the center gets the guy to the left of him, the guy lined up over the left guard, whose job it is to come down the line and destroy the guy the right guard didn't touch. that opens up the hole for the running back to go through, a hole that's usually open long enough to get four or five yards. it might not stay open quite as long, causing the aforementioned pile up of beefy gentlemen, or it might stay open a bit longer than that and if the back hits the hole fast enough, leads to a big gain.

that was incredibly boring, that's probably why i don't watch anymore. if you made it this far, let me know, i'll arrange for a prize of some sort.

feeling: loved, keep it coming :)
thinking of: sid
music: "press on" billy sprague