Monday, November 03, 2003

today is bone's birthday.

i feel a little bit bad because i didn't get him anything, but i don't feel real bad because i did get him the first season of 24 on dvd a couple months ago. so anyways he's 23 today and among the friends that i have currently, one way or another, he's the one that i've known the longest. i say one way or another because before we ever remember meeting, we allegedly met as toddlers, before long term memories were developed. turned out that my great-grandmother was tight with his grandmother and i guess whenever they got together for pan dulce and cafe con leche they brought us along a time or two.

i remember meeting bone in eighth grade at the vaunted st. mark's school of texas, he was in seventh grade. there was a bit we had in common then, we were both on the wrestling team that year and we were both from the hood. if you know anything about SM, you know that kids from the hood have to stick together. i don't remember being like best friends with him right away or anything like that, but over the years he was one of those guys who was always there, and not one of those guys who was always there that you wish would go away. most of what i remember from high school about him was wrestling weekends, unbelivably long saturdays spent in gyms laughing at guys in jumpsuits, the roadtrips, seeing teammates and parents drunk in hotels around the southwest, and then just hanging around campus talking about how he hoodwinked ruff into getting him illicit reading material.

so anyways, you know how it is when graduation comes around, i finished, he had a year left, i went to chicago and a year later he went down to austin, and even since then we've somehow managed to cram as much into the limited times we've been able to hang out as we seemed to when we were at school and saw each other every day. mostly trips to cici's, some movies, christmas shopping at the rich folk malls, fajitas, calling for the head of erstwhile longhorn quarterback chris simms, accusing each other of being various and sundry unsavory characters we both know, and troglodyte ogling in grapevine and assorted other places.

you're a good man bone, a good man and a true friend.

feeling: good
thinking of: banging ____________________ i'll let bone fill in the blank, it's his day
music: "green, green grass of home" merle haggard