Friday, October 31, 2003

today, i get paid.

it's a monthly occurance which has its pros and cons, not the actual getting paid part, that's all pro and no con at all. the part with the pros and cons is the scheduling of the event. chief among the cons is that it only happens once a month so the rush of endorphins that takes place when the check's deposited is relegated to a mere twelve times a year. at the top of the list of pros is that it keeps me from spending an exhorbitant amount of money with the false sense of security that a payday is coming up. in any case, the paycheck always comes on the last weekday of the month, and like i said before, that'd be today.

money, or income more specifically, is interesting. in what some would call more dignified times, income wasn't something that respectable people talked about, period. information like that was intensely personal and to be guarded. these days that's not so much the case. i mean i won't say how big (or small) my check is right here this second, out on the web and all, but generally if someone wants to know, all they have to do is ask.

there's also a lot to be said for just getting a paycheck on a regular basis. i remember in college, i'd try to limit the time i spent working, ostensibly to focus on school, which for the most part, meant that i didn't have a regular part time job. i did some work moving furniture for this one guy. that was pretty awesome mostly because he paid $15 an hour and in cash. the flip side was that it wasn't regular and when it wasn't busy, i'd have to figure out whether to get groceries or put gas in the car and sneak into the cafeteria on campus that week.

some of you know exactly why the word "ostensibly" is in that sentence about focusing on school.

feeling: black t-shirt and jeans
thinking of: st. mark's
music: "sick boy" social distortion