Wednesday, October 29, 2003

i am so down with spicy brown mustard.

i wrote a few weeks ago about applied memories, i'd link to that entry, but i'm a bit pressed for time and too lazy to dig it up anyway. in any case, what i was describing then was the kind of memory that comes to the forefront of your mind as a result of some sort of a catalyst action. it's more vivid than a regular memory, but not quite full-fledged deja vu.

so anyways, when i was little, i was a very picky eater. somewhat shocking considering the standards i have for what i shove into my mouth these days, i mean sometimes the requirement for edible gives way to merely non-toxic. anyhow, from the time i was four til i was about eight or nine, the staple of my diet was cheese sandwiches, grilled if i could get it grilled, but if not, it'd always be with mustard.

at home, we only ever got regular yellow mustard, but whenever i'd go to my grandparents' house, my grandmother kept the pantry stocked with spicy mustard, so whenever i'd eat there, that's what would be in my cheese sandwich. you know how it is when you're a little kid and you go to grandma's house, everything is so different and so much cooler than at home, even if it's not. so, obviously, the logical progression here is that i would look forward to going to my grandparents' house so i could get a cheese sandwich with spicy mustard. it's funny because day before yesterday i went grocery shopping and, pretty much on a whim, got some spicy mustard and really felt like i'd totally forgotten how good it was, and even that i'd liked it so much when i was a lil kid.

luckily, however, i never tried it with my grilled cheese.

feeling: energetic
thinking of: baking cookies
music: "firefly" old 97s