Friday, October 24, 2003

if i hear that radio commercial for tommy hilfiger's "freedom" one more time, something or someone will pay dearly.

good gravy, that commercial comes on every ten minutes or so and it's just so stupid. i mean everything from its use of an old aretha franklin (whose music has the very irritating tendency of staying in the head once it's made its way there) song, to the "testimonials" about how tommy hilfiger's "freedom" led some girl to dump her loser boyfriend or some guy to finally own up to having herpes and go on valtrex or something like that.

perhaps my animosity springs from the fact that i'm already committed as far as fragrance goes. with the exception of a few months where i used pleasures for men by estee lauder, i've been a devotee of polo sport since about eleventh grade, probably because they don't have dumb commercials like that.

but i digress.

feeling: surly
thinking of: ambiguity
music: "the sound" further seems forever